Date |
Sermonette |
Sermon |
Fri, Sept. 20 Opening Night |
Don Hooser 
"Blessed are Your Eyes" |
Sabbath, Sept. 21 Holy Day |
Daniel Berendt 
"Your Choice to Give" |
Mark Mickelson 
"The Marriage of the Lamb" |
Sun, Sept. 22 Open House |
Rick Berendt 
"Boxter Shorts" |
Richard Duncan 
"In the Image of God" |
Mon, Sept. 23 |
Seldon Olson 
"Our Awesome Responsibility" |
David Palmer 
"Competative Spirit" |
Tue, Sept. 24 |
Roc Corbett 
"The Greatest Miracle" |
Feast Video 
"Being Equipped as Saints in Service to God" |
Wed,Sept. 25 |
Richard Duncan 
"The Saint's Role in the Kingdom"
Mark Michelson 
"Paradise Restored" |
Thu, Sept. 26 |
Lorne Davies  |
Gary Antion 
"What it Means to be a Servant of God" |
Fri,Sept. 27 |
Michael Erickson 
"Enjoy Your Youth" |
Stuart Segall 
"Lessons from the Wemmicks for the World Tomorrow" |
Sabbath, Sept. 28 LGD AM |
Don Hooser 
"The Greatest Day, the Greatest Truth"
Rainer Salomaa 
"Man's Greatest Need" |
Sabbath, Sept. 28 LGD PM |
Gary Antion 
"What Kind of Judge Will You Be?" |